2023-2024 Bell Schedule
Elementary (K-6) Bell Schedule
- 8:30 am - School Opens
- 8:40 am - Classes Start
- 10:20 am - Recess
- 10:40 am - End of Recess
- 12:10 am - Lunch
- 12:50 pm - End of Lunch
- 2:45 pm - End of School Day
Grades 7-9 Bell Schedule
- 8:30 am - School opens
- 8:40 am - Classes Start (students must be in their homerooms)
- 10:00 am - End of Block 1
- 11:05 am - End of Block 2
- 12:10 pm - End of Block 3
- 12:50 pm - End of Lunch
- 12:55 pm - Start of Block 4
- 1:55 pm - End of Block 4
- 3:00 pm - End of School Day
The Bell Schedule doesn't change for students in Grades 10-12. But their schedule is as follows:
Grades 10-12 Schedule
- 8:30 am - School Opens
- 10:00 am - Classes Start (students in the first block of the day)
- 12:00 pm - Lunch
- 12:50 pm - End of Lunch
- 3:15 pm - End of School Day