With the disruption of COVID-19, I’m sure many of you are enjoying making crafts with your young artists at home. They are so creative! You can see what the children have been making at school… because The Card Project is
going ahead! How do I see my child’s art? Visit www.TheCardProject.ca Click on “To Order” Use our school’s access code GA88 Use the drop-down menu to find your child’s teacher Enter your child’s first name to see their masterpiece! How will I get my order? We can ship your order to your home address (a shipping fee of $12 applies). Delivery will be 2-3 weeks OR Free shipping to the school will be available when school resumes. You can place your order now without payment. We will contact you to confirm your order,
delivery time, and accept payment. Every child will still receive their free example card made with their art. We will distribute these when classes resume. A big “Thank you!” to our teachers for encouraging creativity in the classroom. We are glad that you can see the children’s beautiful art. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Marcelle at Marcelle@TheCardProject.ca or you may contact Mrs Spragg at