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Wow! Gaglardi community, what a blessing to see the donations for the food drive come in!
They came in bags, backpacks and even laundry baskets! The grades 7-9 classes had a homeroom war in the spirit of healthy competition. Mrs. Tansky / Mys. Oostenbrnk's shared homeroom won, bringing in 59.7 lbs. The combined weight from all the 7-9 homeroom classes was 104 pounds, well done!

We also have to give a massive shout-out to Mrs. Mack's grade 5/6 class, who brought in a whopping 130.9 lbs. plus $12.00 in cash! WOWZERS! You guys are amazing! While we don't have a total of all the donations from k-12, we can tell it was a great success! 

The donations were given to YFC for their project of compiling packages to distribute to those in need. 
Again, a heartfelt thank you for your generosity!