Now that the good weather is on its way, we ask parents to remind their children to be aware of the flurry of activity surrounding the pick-up and drop-off areas of our school. Students who ride bikes, scooters or skateboards need to navigate school sidewalks with care and attention, plus must wear a helmet while on school property. And hey, while we're talking about this, if your child wants to ride their scooter, skateboard, or pogo stick on the school campus, a consent form needs to be submitted to the office. If you haven't yet completed one, click the link below for our fillable consent form.
Also, this is very important! We've noticed children darting in and out between the parked school buses. Parents, please tell your children this is a very unsafe practice and to stay away from the buses. Students are to stay on the sidewalks while waiting to be picked up AND use the crosswalks to cross the street. Please and thank you!
Oh, speaking of buses! As you know, buses are large vehicles and need a lot of room to manoeuvre so do not park right behind or in front of them if you're parking on the street. Give them lots of space. Again, please and thanks!
Click Here for the Scooter, Skateboard/Pogo Stick permission form