I hope you're enjoying the sunshine! Spring is *hopefully* finally here!
The hot lunch online ordering system will be open starting TODAY to receive May/June 2023 Hot Lunch orders. The system will be open until April 30 @ 4 PM and extensions for orders will NOT be possible (so please make sure to order within the time frame)! Please ensure your order is submitted and, if paying with PayPal, paid in full no later than April 30 @ 4 PM. If you are paying by cash/cheque, have your payment dropped off at the school office no later than noon on May 2, 2023.
Please note: There will be NO hot lunches on May 5 (Pro D day), May 19, 2023 (Victoria Day long weekend) and May 26, 2023 (K-7 sports day and Grade 12 missions trip).
Here's the link to the website: https://gaglardiacademy.hotlunches.net/. If you're new to the school, please make sure to follow the instructions on the website for how to order hot lunches for your children!
Thanks again for supporting PAC!
PAC Hot Lunch Coordinator