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Hello and Welcome Back!!

We hope you had a wonderful summer!

The Hot Lunch Ordering System will be open for September and October orders starting Friday, Sept 9, until Sunday, Sept 18. 

PLEASE NOTE: Children need to be registered in the hot lunch system each year as the system is cleared at the end of each school year. If you recently signed your child(ren) up (or re-registered them) in the last week prior to receiving this email, you will need to re-register. Due to the classroom final list reset, the account you created will have been deleted. Please verify your child(ren)'s classroom information in your account settings before submitting your hot lunch orders.

There will be no hot lunch on September 30 (National Day for Truth and Reconciliation) and October 7 (Pro-D Day). 
If paying by cash or cheque, please submit your payment to the office by noon on Tuesday, Sept 19.

Thanks so much for supporting PAC!

PAC Hot Lunch Admin