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Dear High School Families,

We are excited to announce that our high school will be launching a salad bar program starting on October 25th.

This program will be run by two adults and students from one of our elective classes. We have four elective groups in the high school, and each group will take turns running the salad bar for one term (half a semester).

The goals of this program are to encourage students to develop healthy eating habits, provide opportunities to serve others, improve life skills, and ease the burden on parents in preparing lunches.

Please note that students will need to bring their own containers with lids (no larger than 9x6.5x2.5 inches—please refer to the example picture below) and utensils, as the school will not be providing these items.

Here are some frequently asked questions you might find helpful:


Is there a cost for this weekly program?

No, the program is free for all high school students. The school has applied for funding, and the program will be run using these funds.

What types of items will be available in the salad bar?

We will have four or five different menus, rotated weekly. For example, next week we will be serving taco salad.

Will there be a protein or protein substitute available each week?

Yes, protein will be provided. While our facilities limit our ability to offer protein substitutes every time, we will do our best to include them when possible.

Is the salad bar mandatory, or can students bring their own lunch?

The salad bar is an optional program. Students who do not wish to participate can bring their own lunch.

Are Food Safe protocols in place?

Yes, our preparation area is approved by Vancouver Island Health, and we meet Food Safe protocols. Additionally, an adult overseeing the program has a Food Safety Certificate. We will do our best to ensure student safety throughout the program.

What if my child forgets their container and utensils?

The school will not be providing containers or utensils. However, students can store disposable containers and utensils in their lockers for this situation.

Can students go back for seconds?

After the first round, if there are leftovers, we will make an announcement and students will be allowed to go back for seconds.


Since this is our first time implementing the program, there may be a learning curve, but I am confident it will be a wonderful experience for students, the school, and parents.

The salad bar will be available on Wednesdays, four times per month. On the fifth Wednesday of any given month, the program will take a break, and students will need to bring their own lunch.

We welcome additional support from families, whether through prayer, volunteering, or offering constructive feedback. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the school office.

Thank you for your support!