Last week, students and staff participated in Healthy Lifestyles Week where special emphasis was placed on, you guessed it, how to live a healthy lifestyle in all aspects of life. Covid regulations had us doing things in different ways. For example, our all-school devotions, instead of the grades intermingling like usual, were done per cohort. Morning Moves also changed assigning each cohort a specific day for their morning moves.
What didn't change was the way our students enthusiastically participated. Speaking of which, our annual Vegetable and Lap competitions were still carried out in a regular way with classrooms competing against each other. And with the tallies added up, Mr McKague announced that this year's winning classroom was Mrs Allnutt and Mrs Davies' Grade 2/3 class! Congratulations and well done to all students for participating in all the activities so whole-heartedly.
Check out the video for an idea of the fun they had including our Sports Team Swag dress-up day!