Greetings School Family,

Easter celebrations may be over, but may we always keep in our hearts and minds the hope of the Resurrection and the return of our Saviour, Jesus Christ.

As you know, we have been studying the Cardinal Virtues. April's virtue is under Prudence. We are studying Adaptability, which we feel is very beneficial during these challenging times. We wanted our Gaglardi families to enjoy the blessings that come with learning these virtues

So, below, you'll find April's virtue, the Bible memory verse, and a plethora of wonderful resources with their links for parents and students to take advantage of. You can even send a picture of your projects in an email. Your teachers will love to hear from you and to know what you have done.

Mrs. Bomske

Cardinal Virtue for April

  • Prudence: Adaptability
  • Memory verse: "I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. 13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength." (Philippians 4:12,13)
Helpful links:
    • This is the full lesson with all the suggestions and options for teaching adaptability. There are also many suggested books and DVDs.
    • These are memory verses that you can use throughout the month to reinforce the lesson. Although Gaglardi has picked out one particular one, shown under the heading of the lesson, it is always recommended that the children memorize more if they are able.
    • This prayer is actually very fitting for this season in our lives. I recommend that all parents read/pray this as it will give a great perspective of who God is in this situation.
    • These are ideas to help children pray. They are a great way to jump start the children to talk to the Living God.
    • These are suggested saying or sentences to speak to your children throughout the day. Helping them to understand that God is with them always and not just at certain times.
    • This is a great craft to do when reinforcing this lesson. It is recommended that you read through the craft and lesson first to make sure you have the supplies and the understanding of the lessons being taught.
    • These Bible stories are wonderful. Particularly during this time in our lives. They will open doors for discussion, hope and trust in our God.
    • These are hands-on or to-do activities that make the lessons fun and engaging.
    • These lessons are for children who may be struggling or rigidly refusing to accept change.