Creation Ministries will be at the school on Friday, Feb. 22, to speak to students in two sessions:
Grade K-5 students (9:00-9:50 am)
Which History Best Explains Dinosaurs? Creation or Evolution? Let’s examine the global evidence that spans Biblical history, language, stories, artifacts & fossils, and our worldview in order to clearly demonstrate that man co-existed with dinosaurs, and thus pull the proverbial rug out from under evolution with its timeline of millions and billions of years.
Grades 6-12 students (10:00-11:00 am)
Climbing the creation-evolution ladder: which side is more stable? Step ladders have two sides. Which side are you clinging to? Why is the cross-piece of the ladder so critically important? What sort of foundation is the ladder standing on? By exploring the relationship between Scripture and science you can discover the answers to life’s fundamental questions of origin, identity, purpose, and destiny. How you hold onto and apply God’s authoritative Word will definitely impact you, your children, and your grandchildren.