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Nature Adventures!
We are excited to be planning a day of nature adventures with our buddy classes! We will walk from the school along the Brooklyn Creek path that borders the school property, following it down to the beach at Baybrook Nature Park and back again. This path is a dirt trail through the woods along the creek with tree roots, rocks, and stairs, and it will take us through some beautiful natural habitats. We’ll make several stops along our path to explore the differences between forest, seashore, and pond life, enjoying fun, active group games and quiet observation times. 

For your child to enjoy this opportunity to its fullest, please send them to school on their Nature Adventure Day with comfortable walking shoes, a hat, sunscreen, a water bottle, a packed lunch, and clothes that are okay to get a little wet or dirty potentially.

We’re looking forward to exploring and appreciating God’s beautiful creation together!

For specific information, check in with your child's teacher, and be on the lookout for permission forms coming your way soon!